How Willa delivers value at an incredible pace without sacrificing quality

We've spent the last 20 years building products, teams, organizations, and companies. We've succeeded. We've failed. And more importantly, we've learned a lot!

Our ways of working are inspired by all of the great companies and leaders we've had the opportunity and pleasure to work with.

All organizations and cultures are different. One of the largest sources of inspiration comes from our experience with Spotify. A company that isn't only a pioneer when it comes to streaming music, but also when it comes to building a culture of fast-moving autonomous teams.

<aside> 💡 These Spotify videos: parts one and two might be 7+ years old and fairly outdated. Still, they're well worth watching to understand where we come from.


With our iterative mindset, we improve our ways of working all the time, every day.

We're always trying to make the team perform better and let all of us enjoy a better place to work.

We never stop learning, and never settle for the status quo.

This document is shared to give high-level insights into our ways of working, primarily for all the great people that are interested in joining Willa's journey. Welcome!

<aside> 👩‍🚀 Do you want to join Willa on our mission to set all creators free? Connect with us and check out our current job openings.


Finding the sweet-spot to move fast

Early-stage startups are always in a race against time. The runway is rarely intended to last more than 18-24 months, and the company's fate relies on being able to get far enough until you're out of cash. 🤷